50 hours per year – 2 periods per week (PWT)
To help students develop skills that will be useful to them in the world of work, the classroom should take the form of a work-space where some of the characteristics and demands of the world of work are reproduced. In this work-class, students are encouraged to behave as if they were workers and to experience tasks related to different trades, in a learning context simulating real work environments in two or three areas of activity. In order to promote the transfer of learning, the content of the workshops must be determined taking into account the possibilities of reinvestment during the internships.
The Intro to the World of Work class enables students to learn about the characteristics and obligations of the working world from the context of the school. The goal is to begin developing the skills they will need as workers.
This program also allows students to identify their interests and skills, which will help them choose the internships that will suit their needs.
In this class, students should:
- explore different professions by reading, meeting people or by doing a work exploration
- visit the different workplace available in the community
- have an introduction to entrepreneurship (ex. CCD).
* Remember that you can combine different teachings and subjects. For example, a student explaining the requirements of a work situation to another can target both World of work orientation and ESL learning targets.
You can contact your education consultant if you have more question.
Ministry’s competencies
Competency 1: Understands the requirements of different work situations
- Becomes familiar with the characteristics of each situation
- Identifies the resources to mobilize
- Considers the legal and regulatory provisions
- Reflects on his/her ability to meet the requirements of each situation
Competency 2: Performs tasks associated with different work situations
- Commits to each situation
- Adjusts his/her behaviour in each situation
- Reflects on the value of his/her work experience
Competency 3: Adopts attitudes and behaviours appropriate to different work situations
- Discerns desirable attitudes and behaviours
- Demonstrates his/her ability to adapt to different situations
- Reflects on his/her attitudes and behaviours in a work situation
Learning targets
At the end of the program, students will
- be able to clearly understand the requirements of different situations
- be able to find the human, material or environmental resources needed to complete the different tasks suggested
- be able to perform tasks associated with the different work situations they will encounter in the workplace
- be able to adopt attitudes and behaviours that are appropriate to the different work situations
Evaluation criteria
Competency 1: The student understands the requirements of different work situations by
- demonstrating the accuracy of the analysis of each situation
- the relevance of the resources identified
- understanding the impact of hi/her behavior in the different work place
- the relevance of his/her reflections regarding his/her ability to meet requirements
Competency 2: The student performs tasks associated with different work situations by
- his/her level of commitment to participating in each work situation
- respecting the requirements of each task
- being able to emphasis on the impact of his/her experiences on his/her ability to handle a work situation
Competency 3: The student adopts attitudes and behaviours appropriate to different work situations by
- showing relevance of attitudes and behaviours adopted
- his/her degree of adaptability to different situations
- the accuracy of the analysis of his/her attitudes and behaviours in work situations
Program content
World of Work orientation is made up of concepts and associated types of actions and of strategies. The concepts and associated types of actions include the knowledge and skills that students should be able to acquire and use in various situations and transfer to a variety of contexts so that they can gain the confidence and ease they need to successfully enter the job market.
The Ministry’s document below provides informations and examples about those concepts, types of actions and strategies.