Welcome to Kativik Ilisarniliriniq’s Secondary Mathematics Programs. Here, you will find all the necessary information and resources to teach math in Nunavik.
1. Basics of the KI Programs
1.1 KI Secondary Cycles
At Kativik Ilisarniliriniq, we have 6 grade levels in secondary; 3 levels in Cycle 1 and 3 levels in Cycle 2.

Table of Contents
- Basics of the KI Programs
1.1 KI Secondary Cycles
1.2 Overview of Programs
1.3 Teacher Support - Core KI Materials for 2024-25
2.1 Materials Overview
2.2 Access to materials - Evaluation and Credits
3.1 Competencies & Term Weightings
3.2 Cycle 2 Credits
3.3 Term by Term - Resources
4.1 Useful Links
4.2 Resources on Nunavik IcE
1.2 Overview of Programs
The following videos describe the programs, content and the materials provided for the Cycles 1 and 2 math programs. The content of these videos is also available for you to download as a PowerPoint document, allowing you to review or take notes.
Cycle 1 – Introduction
Cycle 2 (2.1) – Introduction
Cycle 2 CST4 (2.2-2.3) – Introduction
1.3 Teacher Support
Your Secondary Math and Science Educational Consultants are available to support you by telephone, email, or digitally by ZOOM or TEAMS for any questions regarding programs, educational or organizational issues or simply adapting to living in Nunavik.
We provide in-person visits to your school at least once per year as well as TEAMS workshops or “drop-ins” or meeting by telephone.
Susan Nelson
T 819 964-1136 ext. 216
T 1 877 964-1136
F 819 964-1141
@ susan.nelson@kativik.qc.ca
Caroline Martin
T 819 964-1136 ext. 216
T 1 877 964-1136
F 819 964-1141
2. Core KI Materials for 2024-25
Levels 1.1 and 1.2 of the KI Cycle 1 secondary Math program and, beginning this year, the CST4 Math course for levels 2.2 and 2.3 in Cycle 2 are taught through a two-year rotation system.
It means the materials to use change each year, before repeating. This section presents the materials to be used for the 2024-2025 school year
2.1 Materials Overview
The following videos explain how to use the teaching materials for the Cycles 1 and 2 math programs.
The content of these videos is also available for you to download as a PowerPoint document, allowing you to review or take notes.
Cycle 1
The following videos describe the pedagogical materials you will have to teach the programs.
The content of these videos is also available for you to download as a PowerPoint document, allowing you to review or take notes.
Student Books and Answer Keys
Teacher Guides
Reproducible Materials and Posters
Materials for Cycle 1 Math.
Arctic Hare
Snowy Owl
As a KI teacher, you can access these materials online in the Library folder or in your school using DBSERVER.
See the Access to Materials section for more info.
Cycle 2
Level 2.1
Guides and other resources
Teacher Guide and Evaluation
Level 2.3 Transition Year
Levels 2.2 and 2.3
Student Books – CST4 Bloc A
Preparation for End 0f the Year
The following offers a preview of the student books for 2.1, secondary 3, and 2.2-2.3, CST4 math courses.
Math 2.1
Math CST4 Bloc A
As a KI teacher, you can access these materials online in the Learning Materials folder or in your school using DBSERVER.
See the Access to Materials section for more info.
2.2 Access to materials
Printed Materials
All student books, teacher guides and other printed resources for both Cycle 1 and Cycle 2 should already have been ordered before the end of the previous school year and should be available in your class or the school.
Cycle 1 student books and teacher kits are printed in house by KI printing department in Montreal. A KI printing catalogue is available digitally on the DBSERVER Materials can be ordered using the fillable order form also found on the DBSERVER.
Cycle 2 books, guides and other resources are purchased directly from the publishers. If you do not find them listed in the KI catalogue, please contact your Ped. Counsellor to order these materials.
KI Cycle 2 teacher guides can be ordered directly from KI printing department.
If you do not find your printed materials in the school or you need more than was ordered, you can contact KI printing department or your Ped. Counsellor for assistance.
Digital Materials
There are two ways to access digital materials at KI:
- The resources Library, accessible from anywhere through the Internet;
- the DBSERVER, a local server accessible in each school.
Any KI developed materials and other resources can also be accessed via the DBSERVER. This is a local in-school access only but does no
3. Evaluation and credits
3.1 Competencies & Term Weightings
Cycle 1
Competency 1
Solves a situational problem
A situational problem is an extended, more complex problem that concludes each student booklet where a student must incorporate a number of mathematical operations and concepts.
This competency has the same weighting as MEES, 30% of a student’s mark.
Competency 2
Uses mathematical reasoning
Specific application word problems are supplied at the end of each chapter of the student books to evaluate this competency.
In the KI Cycle 1 program, this competency is weighted as 50% of a student’s mark
Competency 3
Communicates using mathematical language
Like the rest of the province, this competency is taught but not directly evaluated.
In the KI Cycle 1 program, this competency has been replaced by ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE with a weighting of approximately 20% of student’s mark.

All Cycle 1 students write KI final exams at the end of each year.
Cycle 2
Competency 1
Solve a situational problem
A situational problem is an extended, more complex problem that concludes each student booklet where a student must incorporate a number of mathematical operations and concepts.
This competency has the same weighting as MEES, 30% of a student’s mark.
Competency 2
Uses mathematical reasoning
Specific application word problems are supplied at the end of each chapter of the student books to evaluate this competency.
In the KI Cycle 2 program, this competency has the same weighting as MEES, 70% of a student’s mark.
Competency 3
Communicates using mathematical language
Like the rest of the province, this competency is taught but not directly evaluated.
In Cycle 2, Students in level 2.1 (Sec 3) write a local final exam at the end of the year.
Students in levels 2.2 and 2.3 taking Block A of the CST4 math course must write a final exam equivalent to a Ministry exam for the concepts covered in this Block of the course.
For students in level 2.3 who are transitioning into the new rotational program may have questions included in their final exam for the trigonometric and correlation concepts required of them for the CST4 course.
All secondary students in Quebec must pass the secondary 4 CULTURAL, SOCIAL AND TECHNOLOGICAL mathematics option (CST4) to receive a Ministry high school diploma.
To accommodate the many multilevel classes in Kativik schools, the CST4 course is taught over a 2-year rotation in levels 2.2 and 2.3.
KI students must pass BOTH the 2.2 and 2.3 portions of the CST4 course and will receive 8 total math credits.
2.2 students receive 4 secondary 4 optional math credits after the successful completion of the first year of the CST4 course (KE24414, KF24414).
After the successful completion of 2.3 CST4, students will receive the mandatory 4 CST4 math credits required to graduate (KE25414, KF25414).
3.3 Term by Term
This section will give you general term planning guides and evaluations.
Term 1
Term 2
Term 3
Printed Materials Order For The UPCOMING YEAR
All student books, teacher guides and other printed resources for both Cycle 1 and Cycle 2 should already have been ordered before the end of the previous school year and should be available in your class or the school
Cycle 1
Cycle 1 student books and teacher kits are printed in house by KI printing department in Montreal.
A KI printing catalogue is available digitally on the DBSERVER. Materials can be ordered using the fillable order form also found on the DBSERVER.
Cycle 2
Secondary 3 – 2.1 books, guides and other resources are purchased directly from the publishers.
CST4 Block A student books and teacher kits are printed in house by KI printing department in Montreal.
If you do not find these materials listed in the KI catalogue, please contact your Ped. Counsellor to order these materials.
end of the year
Cycle 1
- The following video will explain how to generate the KI Cycle 1 final exams.
Arctic Hare
Snowy Owl
Cycle 2
CST4 Block A
2.3 transition