Nunavik-IcE WordPress Training


Welcome to the Nunavik-IcE online training! This introductory course was designed for anyone who has content to share on the site, such as teachers, pedagogical consultants and curriculum developers.

At the end of this training, you will be able, in collaboration with your team of colleagues, to go through all the steps that lead to the publication of resource posts on Nunavik-IcE.

A KI Employee with their tools, ready to begin the online training.

The Post Publication Process

This course is structured around the Nunavik-IcE Post Publication Process, a foundational tool that was created to allow teams to work together smoothly by following a uniform protocol. Each of the 5 module of the course corresponds to one of the steps of the process.

The Nunavik-IcE Post Publication Process document was created in a poster format. We suggest you print a copy and keep it near your workspace so that you can follow the steps that lead to the publication of your resource.

Table of Contents

This online training was designed in a linear fashion. We suggest following the modules’ order. However, if you have already completed this training, you can use the links below to access specific sections that you would like to revisit.

1: Ideation

Module 1 is all about the ideation and vetting process that leads to the sharing of your resource online, on Nunavik-IcE.

Module 1 includes:

2: Post, Files, Metadata

Module 2 is the core of this online training. You will learn how to create a post, how to share files through that post and how to add key information to this post.

Module 2 includes:

3: Visuals

Module 3 is about visual enhancement. You will learn about page layout, copyrights, the format of visual content, etc.

Module 3 includes:

4: Peer Review

Module 4 is very short. It provides guidelines for the peer review process your post has to go through before sending it to translation.

Module 4 includes:

5: Translation

Module 5 explains how to manage the translation of your post, including how to send your document to KI translation and to implement the language versions once ready.

Module 5 includes:

Course Structure

Before you go further, we would like to share some information with you about this online training.


Each module is built around the questions What, Why and How. The What section provides knowledge about the tools you are using. The Why explains the importance of the suggested procedures. The How is the technical part, where you will learn how to work on the site.


This online training was designed in a linear fashion. The first time you complete the training, we suggest following the modules’ order. If you use this page as a resource to revisit a concept, you can use the table of contents to jump directly to the module of your choice.


To make this online training more engaging, we have added a few activities and questions throughout the modules. Some will give you feedback on your answers. However, the best way to learn is practice. We suggest you take some time to experiment with real resources.

The Nunavik-IcE website is built on one of the most popular web platforms: WordPress. We chose this tool for many reasons, including:

  • it’s easy to use and does not require any web development or coding skills for the publication of new content;
  • it’s well known, so many people and companies are used to working with it;
  • it’s there to stay and easy to update, so we will not have to change tool in the future;
  • it’s easy to find resources and tutorials to learn WordPress on YouTube and other sites.


You don’t have to become an expert of WordPress in order to share resources on Nunavik-IcE, but a bit of background knowledge and vocabulary will greatly help you. This is why we created this glossary. From now on, every time you see an underlined word in this online training, you can find it in the glossary.

It provides explanations about technical vocabulary, gives you a bit more background on WordPress (see, it’s underlined!) and even has room for you to take notes.

Glossary under development. Draft available:

Nunavik-IcE is a Kativik Ilisarniliriniq (KI) website created to foster ongoing development and sharing of Inuit-centred educational resources for and with Nunavik schools and communities. Therefore, the resources shared on Nunavik-IcE must both be in line with this vision and meet the KI standards.

At the end of this module, you will be able to:

  • assess whether or not an educational resource should be published on Nunavik-IcE.

1.1 Resource selection

We use the word resource to designate any tool that supports education in Nunavik whether it’s addressed to students directly, to their parents or to teachers. Therefore, a resource can be anything from a reading book on colours to approaches for supporting the learning of math. Although we share a broad range of resources on Nunavik-IcE, they must all represent the site’s vision, which you will learn more about in this section.

1.1.4 Practice

For each of these resources, select whether or not you think they should be shared on Nunavik-IcE.

This resource is an AlloProf article on the animal cell.

This resource is a stretching protocol to do before physical activity, shared by a teacher in Kuujjuaq.

This resource is a series of poems in Inuktitut written by Nunavik students.

This resource is the PDF of a book published by Inhabit Media.


Congratulations, you have completed module 1 of the Nunavik-IcE online training. You are now equipped with tools and questions that will guide the selection of resources to share on the website.

We gave this process a lot of importance and made it the first step of the Post Publication Process in order to make sure you don’t invest time in a resource that will eventually not be published.

Finally, once you have determined a resource should be published on Nunavik-IcE, make sure to get the approval of your department supervisor.

Before you go further, it’s time to login to the Nunavik-IcE backend!

In order to create and manage content on Nunavik-IcE, you will have to login to the WordPress backend. The backend is for contributors, like you, to create and manage content. On the opposite, the frontend is for users to navigate on the website.

In a way, it is similar to working in Powerpoint. The backend is where you would create your slides with the available tools, while the frontend is the presentation mode where you can only see the result.

We have created a username and a password for you, and set your role to contributor.

Nunavik-IcE backend on the left and frontend on the right.

If you have your username and password, click here to login to the backend! Otherwise, send an email to

Login Procedure

  1. In a web browser, go to It might be a good idea to keep this URL in your bookmarks/favourites if you plan on working on the site often.
  2. Enter your username, which was sent to you by email.
  3. Enter your password, which is the same as your username and was sent to you by email.
  4. Click on Log in. Your web browser might ask if you want to save these informations. You can safely say yes.
  5. You are now in the WordPress backend!


If you had any difficulty logging in, or if you don’t have your username or password, please ask a website administrator to help you by sending an email to


This video is a short guided tour of the WordPress backend.

*Please note that the backend may look slightly different for you and other contributors.

Each resource on Nunavik-IcE is introduced in the form of a post. This term is used because WordPress was initially used to create blogs. In the case of Nunavik-IcE, we are simply creating resource posts instead of blog posts. Up to a certain point, Nunavik-IcE is only a way to show and search through posts. If you access the homepage, you will see posts that we selected for different audiences and organized by categories. If you search, you will see results which are posts that fit your search filters

At the end of module 2a, you will be able to:

  • access the post section in Nunavik-IcE backend;
  • create a new post or edit an existing one;
  • use the blocks editor to build your content;
  • and save your work as a draft.

2a.1 Creating a Post

The process of creating posts to introduce resources on Nunavik-IcE is the core of this online training. Throughout modules 2a, b and c, you will create your first post in the backend of the site.

In order to practice the notions introduced in modules 2a, b and c, we suggest you choose an existing resource you would like to share, such as a lesson plan or an information document. You will use this resource throughout the module.

2a.2 Titles

Before you create any content in your new post, you must enter a title. This will allow the site to generate a URL towards your post ( and will then allow you to save your post as a draft as you work.

2a.3 Blocks Editor

You are now ready to start creating the content of your post! The good news is that WordPress has developed a tool that makes it easy to place the different components of your post‘s content: the blocks editor.

2a.3.4 Practice

Time to experiment with the blocks editor! Here are two activities we suggest in order for you to gain familiarity with this tool.

Activity A

The first activity we suggest is to create a post in which you will try all the common blocks introduced in this module, along with the tools.

  1. Login to the backend.
  2. Follow the steps you just learned to create a new post.
  3. Click on add block in the upper left corner.
  4. Select any common block.
  5. Repeat this action a few times, until you have most of the common blocks described in section 3.1 in your post.
  6. Write text in these blocks, to see how they format your content.
  7. Try to move them around using the handles, to delete one, to insert one between two existing ones, etc.

Activity B

The second exercice we suggest is to use the test resource identified earlier and to create a post to introduce it.

  1. Login to the backend.
  2. Follow the steps you just learned to create a new post.
  3. Write a title for your post, using this module’s guidelines.
  4. Click on add block in the upper left corner and select the paragraph block.
  5. Write a short description of what this resource is about.
  6. Click on add block in the upper left corner and select any block of your choice.
  7. Keep experimenting with the blocks editor until you are comfortable with this tool.

Once you have experimented with the blocks editor, come back here to complete the module.


Congratulations! You have created a post and developed content to introduce a resource you’d like to share with teachers, parents or students on Nunavik-IcE. The next two parts of this module will show you how to add files to your post and how to select information about this post (metadata).

Most of the resources that are shared on Nunavik-IcE are files such as Word documents, PDFs, videos, images, etc… There are currently thousands of files on the Nunavik-IcE website, and before you start adding yours, there are a few things you should know.

At the end of module 2b, you will be able to:

  • name files appropriately to contribute to an organized media library;
  • compress files to ensure faster access to Nunavimmiut;
  • upload files to your post;
  • link existing online files (such as websites and videos) to your post.

2b.1 Naming your Files

Naming your files might sound really basic, but its so, so, so important. Each month, over 1000 files are added to the Nunavik-IcE site by dozens of contributors. Without a proper naming system, it would be easy to loose control!

2b.1.4 Practice

Let’s give it a try. For each of the following files, use the description to rename them appropriately following the structure you just learned.

When you submit your answer, you will be shown 2 good examples, and 2 examples that don’t match the structure. Your answer might vary from these two good examples, but they will help you self-assess.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is WPWorkshop_Level1_File3.jpg

This Word document explains, in English, how to place an order with Kativik Ilisarniliriniq’s printing department.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is WPWorkshop_Level1_File1.jpg

This is a jpg picture of the cover of grade 2 JUMP Math Exercice book in Inuktitut. It will be displayed in a post on JUMP Math resources.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is WPWorkshop_Level1_File2.jpg

This video is an Introduction to Kativik Ilisarniliriniq secondary second cycle math program with French narration.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is WPWorkshop_Level1_File4.jpg

This is an English version of the curriculum for the Kativik Ilisarniliriniq pre-work training course, updated for 2020.

2b.2 Compressing your Files

Each time we upload a file on Nunavik-IcE, we influence the general speed of the site, as well as the time it will take for users to see or download that file. In this module, you will learn how to monitor and reduce the size of your files.

2b.2.4 Practice

To complete this practice activity, you will need to find any existing PDF document on your computer.

  1. Using the method above, check the file size of your PDF document and note how it weights in MegaBytes (MB) or KiloBytes (KB).
  2. Using one of the three methods suggested, compress your PDF.
  3. Check the size again to see if you were able to reduce it. If the final result is under 5 MB, or even shown in KB, that’s pretty good!

2b.3 Uploading Files

Your files are now ready to be uploaded on the Nunavik-IcE website.

  • They have been named appropriately so that we can find them in the media library.
  • They have been compressed so that users can access them quickly.

2b.3.3 Practice

It’s time to practice! Login, access the post you were working on, add a file block and upload a file. The procedure and demonstration video, in section 3.2, can guide you step-by-step.

Before you go:

  • don’t forget to name your file according to the structure you learned;
  • don’t forget to compress your file;
  • and don’t worry, this file will not be public for now.

2b.4 Linking Online Files

You just learned how to take a file on your computer and make it available online, on Nunavik-IcE… but what about files that are already online such as a YouTube video, a website, a link towards a document? In this section, we will see how to add these online files to your post.

2b.4.4 Practice

It’s time to practice! In this exercice, you will add a YouTube video to your post using the three methods you just learned (the YouTube block, the button and the link).

  1. Find a YouTube video of your choice and copy the URL.
  2. Login to the backend, find the post you are working on and open it.
  3. Add the YouTube video to your post using all three suggested methods.
    • YouTube block
    • Button block
    • Link on text
  4. Save your draft.


You are now ready to move on to the next module, where you will learn about metadata. This will complete module 2, where you learned the A to Z of post creation.

One last thing about files! In module 2b, you uploaded a test file in your post. This file is still in the media library and is making the site a little bit heavier. Let’s take the time to delete it before going further.

We will never insist enough on the importance of rigorous file management. That involves proper naming and compression (addressed in module 2b) but also deleting files that are not used or that were accidentally uploaded more than once.

To delete a file:

  1. Login to the backend.
  2. In the WordPress toolbar, on the left hand side, click on Media.
  3. In the media library, locate your file. If you uploaded it recently, it should be at the top. Otherwise, you might have to search for it by typing its title in the search box.
  4. Click on the file to select it.
  5. On the right of the file, you can see all the related information such as how you named it and how it weights. At the bottom right of this section, find the red mention Delete permanently.
  6. Click on Delete permanently.
  7. A confirmation message will appear. Confirm that you want to delete the file.

Once you have deleted your test file from the media library, you can move on to Module 2c.

In module 2a and b, you worked on the visible components of your post: what users will see when they visit Nunavik-IcE. In this third and final part of module 2, we will focus on the invisible, yet essential components of your post, the metadata

At the end of this module, you will be able to:

  • select metadata for your post;
  • write efficient tags;
  • write an excerpt.

2c.1 Metadata

2c.2 Tags & Excerpt

In the previous section, you selected most of the necessary metadata for your post. However, two metadata still require your attention: tags and excerpt.

2c.2.5 Practice

Before writing tags for your first post, complete the following activity.

In each case, select the best tag option.


Your first post is almost completed and just requires a little bit of visual enhancement (module 3). Before moving-on to the next modules, where you will learn about peer review and translation, we strongly recommend that you take some time to practice and consolidate what you have learned so far.

Before you learn about visual enhancement of your post in Module 3, let’s take a moment to understand the concept of CSS Styles.

You don’t have to develop a deep understanding of CSS styles to work on Nunavik-IcE, as it is part of a web development coding language, but it’s important for you to know how it will impact your work.

What are CSS styles?

CSS styles are a little bit like a pair of sunglasses that determines how you will see things on a website like Nunavik-IcE. Right now, the sunglasses are set to show you this text in the Ilisarniq bold font, size 1em, black and this box with a white background and slightly rounded corners. There is a rule for pretty much everything, from the style of text to the size of buttons.

The beauty of CSS styles is that we can change a rule at one place, and all the site will automatically be changed. It would be like giving you a new pair of special sunglasses with different settings.

How do they impact your work?

Backend VS frontend

You might have noticed, the backend and the frontend of Nunavik-IcE don’t always show content the same way. This is because CSS styles that determine spacing, font size, image size and more are only applied to the frontend. When you work on a post, in the backend, click on the Preview button once in a while to see what it will really look like for users once your post is published.

Don’t bend the rules!

CSS rules apply to all content on Nunavik-IcE, except where you decide otherwise by applying your own rule, such as putting this text in blue. However, once special rules are applied, the block will not never respond to CSS styles anymore. That means if we change the CSS styles, we will have to manually edit all special rules you applied throughout the hundreds of posts. This is why we try to keep styles as as they are.

Now that you understand this concept, you can continue to module 3.

Module 3: Visuals

In module 2a, b and c, you focused on the functionality of your post. You wrote clear information, you added necessary files and you set the proper metadata. It is now time to focus on visually enhancing your post, to make it more appealing to users. Although we will not give you a graphic designer training, there are four simple things you can do to visually enhance your post.

At the end of module 3, you will be able to:

  • set a cover image and select a title colour in the metadata;
  • improve your post layout in the blocks editor;
  • add images in your post;
  • replace links towards some files and online files by a preview image (coming soon).

About Copyrights

Nunavik-IcE is a public website attached to an educational institution. That means everything that is made public on the site must comply to copyrights policies. Looking for materials under Creative Commons (CC) licences is a good way to ensure you are not infringing copyrights. However, CC content still has to be referenced appropriately.

Learn more about Creative Commons Licences >>

Here are a few tools that can help you finding CC content to visually enhance your post.

Google Images

Select Creative Commons in the search tools.

Creative Commons

CC licensed materials and guidelines.


CC licensed pictures.

3.1 Cover image and title colour

When you completed module 2c, on metadata, we suggested to skip the two following categories: cover image and title colour. We are addressing them now because they are more closely related to the appearance of your post than to its identification (which metadata is generally for).

3.1.4 Practice

It’s your turn to practice! Using the test post you have been working on throughout module 2, or using a new post, set a cover image and adjust the title colour.

3.2 Post Layout

Throughout module 2, you became familiar with the WordPress blocks editor. You might have even used the layout blocks. Using these blocks is a great and simple way to make the content of your post more dynamic and visually appealing.

3.2.4 Practice

A good way to practice working with the layout blocks is to try to recreate existing layouts. Here are a few examples of layout from actual posts on Nunavik-IcE that you could try recreating.

Three columns of content, including text and images inside each.

A third on the right image, with text on the left and under.

Four contents introduced in two sets of half-half columns.

If you need, you can go back to module 2a to review how to use the blocks editor and the tools that allow you to add blocks and move them around. If you are comfortable with the blocks editor and its tools, it’s time to try enhancing a post with the layout blocks.

3.3 Images

Throughout module 2, you became familiar with the WordPress blocks editor. You might have even used the Image block. This is the one and only block you should use to add images to the body of your post.

3.4 Previews

Coming soon


Congratulations! Working with visual is not easy, but you probably improved the visual appearance of your post a lot!


If you feel like you need more help to bring your post to KI standards in term of visual enhancement, you can notify an administrator who will guide you towards a graphic design resource. In order to do so, just send an email to, mentioning the title of your post and your needs in terms of visual enhancement.

Once you created a post (module 2) and enhanced it visually (module 3), it must now go through the process of being reviewed by at least one of your colleagues. We call this process peer review

At the end of module 4, you will be able to:

  • send a your draft post to colleagues for them to review it;
  • provide these colleagues with a list of key elements to review;
  • make any changes suggested by your colleagues.

4.1.3 How to go through that process?

There are three main steps to follow in order to go through the process of peer review.

  1. Sharing your post with colleagues
  2. Asking peers for review
  3. Editing your post when you receive suggestions

Sharing your post with colleagues

The first step in the peer review process is to send your post to one or more colleague(s). Since the post is not yet ready to be published, you will have to send a private link to your colleague(s) for them to access and review the post draft.

  1. Login to the backend.
  2. In the WordPress toolbar, click on Posts.
  3. Locate the post draft you want to share with colleagues for peer review*.
  4. Open that post by clicking on the title.
  5. In the post menu, on the right hand side, locate the status & visibility section.
  6. Check the third box: Enable public review.
  7. A URL will appear. Copy that URL and send it to your colleagues, allowing them to see your post.

*This procedure only works with posts that have the draft status. If your post has not yet been saved as a draft, make sure to save it as you learned in module 2.

Normally, at this stage of the Post Publication Process, your post should still be available in only one language. This is because otherwise you would have to share, ask for review and edit three times as much content! However, if for any reason you have more than one language version of your post at this point, you need to repeat steps 2 to 9 for each one.

Asking peers for review

After your colleagues have reviewed a few times, it will become natural for them to pay attention to key elements of your post. However, if it’s their first time, it might be a good idea to suggest what to look for.

This model email includes a list of key elements for your colleagues to review, and helps you sending all the information they need to peer review your post.

Please feel free to copy and paste this model email each time you need to send a post to a colleague for peer review!


I have created a post on Nunavik-IcE to introduce [name of your resource] to [teachers/parents/students] and my content is now ready to be peer reviewed.

You can access the my post’s draft by clicking on this private link: [paste the URL of your post’s draft]

The private link I sent you will expire in 30 days and is not meant to be shared. As you review my post, please pay attention to the following.

  • Is the information in the content of the post and the introduced resources(s) accurate?
  • Is the tone and the vocabulary appropriate for the audience of this content?
  • Are there any mistakes in the information and the text, including in text on images?
  • Is the content of the post and the introduced resources clear to you?
  • Does the general presentation of the post and the introduced resources look professional?

Please send me your comments by replying to this email. If you prefer annotating directly on my post, you can print it or print it to PDF by clicking on the 🖨️ in the upper right corner, over the banner image.

Thank you!


You have already completed module 4! Once you receive feedback from your peer(s), you will have to edit your post to implement their suggestions. This is why you have only worked in one languages so far, so that you don’t have to edit three posts in three different languages!

Your post was just peer reviewed and it’s time to implement your colleagues suggestions. Depending on the status of your post, you will need to follow different procedures to edit before publication.

Option A

If you have followed the post publication process step by step, you should have a post in only one language and in the draft status. This is the easiest situation to implement changes.

  1. Login to the backend.
  2. Under the post section of the WordPress toolbar, find your post.
  3. Click on the title to edit it.
  4. Make any changes in your post.
  5. Click on Save Draft in the upper right corner.

Option B

If your post is already available in more than one languages, but still in the draft status, you will have to make the changes in each language version before submitting them for publication.

  1. Login to the backend.
  2. Under the post section of the WordPress toolbar, find your post.
  3. Click on the title to edit it.
  4. Make any changes in your post.
  5. Click on Save Draft in the upper right corner.
  6. In the Post menu, scroll to the language section.
  7. Click on the pencil beside a second language to edit.
  8. Repeat steps 4 and 5 for each language

Option C

If your post is already published, in one or many languages, you will have to make changes in each language version and then re-submit them for publication.

  1. Login to the backend.
  2. Under the post section of the WordPress toolbar, find your post.
  3. Click on the title to edit it.
  4. Make any changes in your post.
  5. Click on Update in the upper right corner.
  6. A confirmation window will ask if you want to Submit the post for review. Click on Submit for Review.
  7. In the Post menu, scroll to the language section.
  8. Click on the pencil beside a second language to edit.
  9. Repeat steps 4 to 6 for each language.

Demonstration coming soon.

Kativik Ilisarniliriniq is a trilingual organization and has the mandate to promote Inuktitut in Nunavik. Therefore, it is crucial that our public platforms, including Nunavik-IcE, feature all resources in Inuktitut, English and French with equal level of quality. 

At the end of module 5, you will be able to:

  • send all the required information from your post to the translation department;
  • create language versions of your post by implementing the translations received from the translation department;
  • create language versions of tags using the tags manager.

5.1 Sending the content of your post to translation

Nunavik-IcE is a trilingual site. That means each post must be made available in Inuktitut, English and French. In module 2, you learned how to create a post in your preferred language. You have also entered the metadata (excerpt, tags, etc.) and maybe created illustrations on which words appear. Once the post has been peer reviewed, as explained in module 4, you can now send all of your content to the translation department.

5.2 Implementing translations

Once you receive your translated document, you will basically do the opposite process to implement the translations. This is what we call creating language versions of your post.

5.3 Implementing translated Tags

Tags are a critical component of the Nunavik-IcE website. In addition to allowing users to find what they are looking for, they allow the site to show the right thing at the right place, to suggest related posts and to group posts by tags. Therefore, it is important to pay close attention to tags. For this reason, there is a tags manager installed on the site.

Before you begin this section, make sure that you have section 2c.2.3 How to write tags? fresh in mind.


Congratulations! You have completed the last module of the Nunavik-IcE online training. There is only one last thing to do before your post gets released and becomes available to the public on Nunavik-IcE.

Congratulations! Your post is ready to be published. The last remaining step is to submit it for publication by a site administrator.


Once your resource has been vetted (module 1), your post is created (module 2), visually enhanced (module 3), peer reviewed (module 4) and translated (module 5), you can finally submit your post for publication. This is how to do.

  1. Login to the backend.
  2. Under the post section of the WordPress toolbar, find your post.
  3. Click on the title of your post to edit it.
  4. On the upper right corner, where you usually save your draft, click on Publish.
  5. You will be asked if you want to submit your post for review. Click on that button.
  6. Repeat steps 2 to 5 for all three language versions of your post.
  7. Send an email to a website administrator or to, including the title of your post, to let them know it is ready to be released.

What’s next?

Congratulations for completing the main Nunavik-IcE online training, following each step of the Post Publication Process. There are many other tools in the Nunavik-IcE WordPress backend that you can learn to use through these short complementary online trainings.

  • Under development: Vocabulary module
  • Under development: 3D Flipbooks
  • Under development: Advanced Metadata



Nunavik inhabitants



Creamy dessert prepared with fish eggs and berries

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