Welcome to your Physical Education and Health orientation for Primary and Secondary. Here, you will find all the necessary information to get started as a new Physical Education and Health teacher in Nunavik.
1. Introduction
Before we start working together, let’s get to know each other!
About Myself, Samuel Forget

Education Consultant in Health, Wellness & Physical Education
819 964-1136
- Education Consultant in Health, Wellness & Physical Education (PE)
- Working on the development of the new Health & Wellness curriculum (Inuguiniq)
- Resource person for the PE department
- Starting my 3rd year in Nunavik.
- Located in Kangiqsualujjuaq (George River)
- Exercise Science (BSc) and Biomechanics (MSc) background
- Hockey is my favourite sport!
About you
To stay in touch with your colleagues, to get support, to share resource and ideas, or to organize projects collaboratively, join the Nunavik Physical Education and Health Teachers Community on Microsoft Teams by logging in with your KI email address.

2. Curriculum Overview
In this section, you will find:
- the Teaching Guide explaining the 3 interrelated Competencies that are included in;
- the 3 Curriculum documents for Kindergarten, Primary and Secondary;
- the Progression of Learning documents.
Teaching Guide
Curriculum Documents
To read complete information about the Physical Education & Health curriculum, download the documents below and keep them accessible throughout the school year.

Competency 1
Performs movement skills in different activity settings (individual sports).
Competency 2
Interacts with others in different physical activity settings (team sports).
Competency 3
Adopts a healthy, active lifestyle (day-to-day lives).
Progression of Learning Documents
To access the Progression of Learning, please download the documents below for each section.
3. Evaluation
You will have to report 3 times in the year about students progress in Physical Education & Health. Please download this presentation on Evaluation and refer to your Teaching Guide and your DASH workshop for more details and examples.

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4. Materials & Resources
Many resources available to support your work as a Physical Education & Health teacher can be found on this website. Our team is constantly updating the Nunavik-IcE platform to give you access to more Inuit-centred Education resources. Please check back often to see any new content!
Explore the physical and health education resources folder on SharePoint and on the DB Server accessible in our schools.
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Get Active Myg and Gym
Muscle Anatomy & Stretching
30 Day Exercise Challenge
Elementary Inuit Games
Secondary Inuit Games
Physical Education and Health
5. Special Programs
Sky is the limit to get involved with your school and your community. Here are some programs that are currently in place in Nunavik. We encourage you to be proactive and involved! You can also visit the list of useful links for more programs.
Extracurricular Activities
We encourage you to contribute to extracurricular activities and there are many ways for you to do it:
- Help with the school gym schedule.
- Help organize a Terry Fox Walk/Run at your school!
- Organize an Inuit Game event and invite all the students for the finals.
- These are all nice ways to create relationships inside of your school and community!
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Existing Programs
Teacher Training Program – Kativik Ilisarniliriniq

You might have an Inuit teacher working with you. Please make sure to include him/her as much as possible in your class planning (example: Inuktitut communication for Primary students).
Réseau des Sports Étudiants du Québec (RSEQ)

Potential projects with the RSEQ Côte-Nord for 2020-2021: Cross-Country, Volleyball and Hockey for coaching opportunities!
Jeunes Karibus/Nurrait – Outdoor activities

The Nurrait or Jeunes Karibus is a non-profit organization established in Nunavik. This is a great opportunity to develop relationships with your students outside of the school environment.
6. Useful Links
Professional Associations
- Association of Physical Educators of Quebec (APEQ)
- Fédération des Éducateurs et Éducatrices Physiques Enseignants du Québec (FÉÉPEQ)
- Physical and Health Education Canada (PHE Canada)
Inuit Games
- Team Nunavik-Québec
- Arctic Winter Games International Committee (AWG)
- Inuit Games – Indigenous Peoples Atlas of Canada
Nunavik Organizations
Curriculum and Teaching
- Quebec Education Program – Physical Education and Health Primary
- Quebec Education Program – Physical Education and Health Secondary
- Récit Développement de la Personne – Éducation Physique et à la Santé
- Récit Développement de la Personne – L’Enseignement en ÉPS en Contexte de COVID-19
- Teluq – J’enseigne à Distance – Formation Gratuite
Financing Organizations
Living in Nunavik