Welcome to your one-stop online educational resources!
The following links are aligned to the Kativik Ilisarniliriniq Youth Sector Curriculum.
In this section, each link offers resources for several subject areas.
Resources to Multiple Subject Areas

A rich and relevant collection of documentaries, animated films, interactive productions, and short films in English and French. Access a wide selection of study guides, a chaptering tool, and learning bundles with clear connections to today’s major issues. Content is organized around three key themes: environment and sustainability, Indigenous voices and reconciliation, and diversity and inclusion.
This section provides links to specific subject areas.
English – Second Language
(Subscription required)
The PM eCollection reimagines guided and independent reading for the digital age. We’ve taken the proven strength of our pedagogically sound, carefully levelled PM collection and digitized the books, each being completely redesigned for compatibility with any device, to optimize the reading experience of learners in the digital age.

A rich and relevant collection of documentaries, animated films, interactive productions, and short films in English and French. Access a wide selection of study guides, a chaptering tool, and learning bundles with clear connections to today’s major issues. Content is organized around three key themes: environment and sustainability, Indigenous voices and reconciliation, and diversity and inclusion.
French – Second Language
Riche et pertinente collection de documentaires, films d’animation, productions interactives et courts métrages en français et en anglais. Guides pédagogiques, un chapitreur et des trousses pédagogiques portant sur les grands enjeux actuels. Trois principaux axes thématiques sont privilégiés : environnement et développement durable, diversité et inclusion, et voix autochtones et réconciliation.

Founded in 2002 by Nobel Laureate Carl Wieman, the PhET Interactive Simulations project at the University of Colorado Boulder creates free interactive math and science simulations. PhET sims are based on extensive education research and engage students through an intuitive, game-like environment where students learn through exploration and discovery.

The website AmazingMaths is the result of a collaboration between Association québécoise des jeux mathématiques (AQJM) and the project Sciences et mathématiques en action (SMAC), which are both not-for-profit organizations. Our goal is to promote mathematics in a playful way to allow everyone to discover its multiple facets.

Actua is Canada’s leading science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) youth outreach network. Actua focuses on the engagement of underrepresented youth through specialized programs for Indigenous youth, girls and young women, at risk youth and youth living in Northern and remote communities.

PhET sims are based on extensive education research and engage students through an intuitive, game-like environment where students learn through exploration and discovery.

In my school, I have created a science and technology program, a science laboratory and I have been responsible for the training of staff members for the past ten years. Each year, in order to help the students of my school evolve their scientific concepts, I invite them to solve different scientific and technological problems.
Take part in the adventure!
Serge Gagnier, Ph. D.
Social Studies

Cartograf is an open-source, interactive and collaborative mapping and drawing application, built for students in Quebec. Anyone is welcome sign up, create and share maps, collect and analyze images, and work collaboratively on class projects!
Physical Education and Health

The Recreation Department delivers recreational programming for all Nunavimmiut, but especially for young people. It promotes healthy and active living while encouraging participation in different sports and recreation opportunities.

Il existe plusieurs outils technologiques et ressources pouvant être au service de la pédagogie dans les cours en EPS. Mais, afin de rendre ces éléments utiles à l’apprentissage et à l’enseignement, il est important de bien cibler les intentions pédagogiques et avoir des stratégies d’utilisations planifiées et réfléchies.