In this session you will participate in a workshop linked to a Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion (DEI) series that Education Services is currently developing. This session will introduce new teachers to anti-racism practices and offer a place for participants to process and reflect on the global response to the Black Lives Matter movement and to the national response to recent allegations about abuses by some RCMP officers to Inuit men and women.
In keeping with academic, government and corporate organizations across Canada, the DEI suite of workshops is a professional development tool that offers participatory workshops. They include lecture and interactive techniques such as working through scenarios and small group discussion. Specific to Nunavik, they support teachers as they begin to put into practice Inuit-centered education. More broadly, the DEI suite offers tools and strategies that new teachers can use as they take up and further the important work KI teachers, staff and administrators have contributed to schools in the region.
Please take some time to review these documents prior to the live session.