Nunavik Volleyball has created a series of videos with exercises that can be done at home each day. Try these fun, no-hassle exercises with your family members to stay strong and healthy. New challenges will be posted every few days, to keep you active, until the 30 days sequence is completed. The videos feature Kyjsa Brkich et TJ Sanders.
Day 1
- Push-ups or Modified Push-ups on knees: x 10 repetitions
- Mountain Climbers: 20 repetitions
- Sit-ups: 20 repetitions
- Squats with front weight: 10 repetitions
- Repeat 3 times, with rest between rounds.
Day 2
- Block Touches (calf jumps): 100 repetitions
- Full Block Jumps: 10 repetitions
- Only 1 time.
Day 3
- Plank (High Plank, Low Plank or on your knees): 1 minute
- Side Plank: 30 seconds each side
- Bicycle Kicks: 15 repetitions each side
- Toe Touches: 15 repetitions
- Leg Kicks: 30 repetitions
- Russian Twists: 20 repetitions
- Repeat 3 times, with rest between rounds.
Day 4
- Jumping Jacks: 50 repetitions
- Burpees: 10 repetitions
- Alternating Split Squat Jumps: 20 repetitions
- Mountain Climbers: 50 repetitions
- Repeat 3 times, with rest between rounds.
Day 5
- Walk, run or any outside activities.
Day 6
- Alternating Bicep Curls: 10 repetitions per arm
- Push-ups: 10 repetitions
- Alternating Shoulder Press: 10 repetitions per arm
- Push-ups: 10 repetitions
- Small Arm Circles: 10 repetitions forward and 10 repetitions backward
- Push-ups: 10 repetitions
- Shoulder Abductions: 10 repetitions
- Push-ups: 10 repetitions
- Repeat 2 times, with a long rest between rounds.
Day 7
- Squats: 20 repetitions
- Split Squats: 10 repetitions each leg
- Romanian (straight leg) Dead Lifts: 20 repetitions
- Calf Raises: 50 repetitions
- Glute Bridges: 15 repetitions
- Repeat 3 times, with rest between rounds.
Day 8

- Prepare a healthy meal today
Day 9
- One Step Calf Jumps: 10 repetitions each side
- One Step Full Block Jumps: 5 repetitions each side
- Full Block Jumps: 10 repetitions
- Block Jumps with a pause at the bottom: 10 repetitions
- Repeat 3 times, with rest between rounds.
Day 10
- 2 feet on toes balance: 30 seconds
- 2 feet on heels balance: 30 seconds
- 1 foot write the alphabet: each side
- 1 foot on toes balance: 30 seconds each side
- 1 foot Airplane: 30 seconds each side
Day 11
- Walk, run or any outside activities.
Day 12
- Walk, run or any outside activities.
Day 13
- Jumping Jacks: 50 repetitions
- Split Squats: 15 repetitions each side
- Bicycles: 25 repetitions each side
- Push-ups: 15 repetitions
- Repeat 3 times, with rest between rounds.
Day 14

- Sun Salutation
- Chair Pose: 30 seconds
- Sun Salutation
- Chair Pose Twist: 30 seconds each side
- Sun Salutation
- Tree Pose: 30 seconds each leg
- Sun Salutation
- Dancers Pose: 30 seconds each leg
- Sun Salutation
- Downward Facing Dog Hip Opener: 30 second each leg
- Child’s Pose
- Repeat 2 times, with rest between rounds.
Day 15
- Plank Hip Dips: 15 repetitions each side
- Left Side Plank Hip Dips: 15 repetitions
- Right Side Plank Hip Dips: 15 repetitions
- Mountain Climbers: 40 repetitions
- Side Crunches: 15 repetitions each side
- Superman/Superwoman: 15 repetitions each side
- Repeat 3 times, with rest between rounds.
Day 16
- Dance party at home, put on your favourite songs and dance until you get a good workout from it.
Day 17
- Forward and Backward Jumps: 20 repetitions
- Side to Side Jumps: 20 repetitions
- Right SingleLeg Jumps: 10 repetitions
- Left Single Leg Jumps: 10 repetitions
- Repeat 3 times, with rest between rounds.
Day 18
- Walk, run or any outside activities.
Day 19
- Jump Rope Skips or quick imaginary jump rope skips (calf jumps): 100 repetitions
- Repeat 5 times, with rest between rounds.
Day 20
- Jumping Jacks: 50 repetitions
- High Knees: 30 repetitions
- Butt Kicks: 30 repetitions
- Split Jumps: 50 repetitions
- Mountain Climbers: 30 repetitions
- Repeat 3 times, with rest between rounds.
Day 21
- Wall Sit: 1 minute
- Wall Sit arms up (lower back pressed against the wall): 1 minute
- Right leg Wall Sit: 30 seconds
- Left leg Wall Sit: 30 seconds
- Important to keep your knees bent at a 90 degrees angle.
- Repeat 3 times, with rest between rounds.
Day 22
- Pike Slides with towel: 10 repetitions
- Plank Knee Slides with towel: 10 repetitions
- Right Arm Push-up Slides with towel: 10 repetitions
- Left Arm Push-up Slides with towel: 10 repetitions
- Right Leg Bridge Slides with towel: 10 repetitions
- Left Leg Bridge Slides with towel: 10 repetitions
- Repeat 3 times, with rest between rounds.
Day 23
- Rear Lunges with towel: 10 repetitions each side
- Runners Lunges with towel: 10 repetitions each side
- Side Lunge with towel: 10 repetitions each side
- Squat Slides with towel: 10 repetitions each side
- Repeat 3 times, with rest between rounds.
Day 24
- Alternating Bicep Curls: 10 repetitions per arm
- Push-ups: 10 repetitions
- Alternating Shoulder Press: 10 repetitions per arm
- Push-ups: 10 repetitions
- Small Arm Circles: 10 repetitions forward and 10 repetitions backward
- Push-ups: 10 repetitions
- Shoulder Abductions: 10 repetitions
- Push-ups: 10 repetitions
- Repeat 2 times, with a long rest between rounds.
Day 25
- Stretching exercises see poster as reference.
- Hold each position for 30-45 seconds and breathe.
- Repeat 2 times, with a short rest between rounds.
Day 26
- Toe Touches: 30 seconds
- Skaters: 30 seconds
- Star Jumps: 30 seconds
- Power Jacks: 30 seconds
- Fast Feet: 30 seconds
- High Knees: 30 seconds
- Repeat 2 times, with a rest between rounds.
Day 27
- Do 1 Push-up: 1 second rest
- Do 2 Push-ups: 2 seconds rest
- Do 3 Push-ups: 3 seconds rest
- Do 4 Push-ups: 4 seconds rest
- Do 5 Push-ups: 5 seconds rest
- Do 6 Push-ups: 6 seconds rest
- Do 5 Push-ups: 5 seconds rest
- Do 4 Push-ups: 4 seconds rest
- Do 3 Push-ups: 3 seconds rest
- Do 2 Push-ups: 2 seconds rest
- Do 1 Push-up: Done
Day 28
- 10-second Plank: 10 seconds rest
- 20-second Plank: 20 seconds rest
- 30-second Plank: 30 seconds rest
- 40-second Plank: 40 seconds rest
- 50-second Plank: 50 seconds rest
- 40-second Plank: 40 seconds rest
- 30-second Plank: 30 seconds rest
- 20-second Plank: 20 seconds rest
- 10-second Plank: 10 seconds rest
Day 29
- Watch the video to perform the “Tik-Tok-Cupid-Shuffle-Plank Challenge”
Day 30
- Jumping Jacks: 30 repetitions
- Fast feet: 29 repetitions
- Calf jumps: 28 repetitions
- Mountain Climbers: 27 repetitions
- Bicycles: 26 repetitions
- Toe touches: 25 repetitions
- Glute bridges: 24 repetitions
- Right side Plank: 23 seconds
- Left side Plank: 22 seconds
- Butt kicks: 21 repetitions
- High knees: 20 repetitions
- Squats: 19 repetitions
- Split Squats: 9 repetitions each leg
- Shoulder circles: 17 repetitions
- Bicep curls (with weight): 16 repetitions
- Shoulder press (with weight): 15 repetitions
- Chair pose: 14 repetitions
- Tree pose: 13 repetitions
- Front/back single leg jumps: 12 repetitions
- Skaters: 11 repetitions
- Side-to-side single leg jumps: 10 repetitions
- Single leg Dead Lifts (left): 9 repetitions
- Single leg Dead Lifts (right): 8 repetitions
- Lunges: 7 repetitions
- Plank: 6 seconds
- Full block jumps: 5 repetitions
- Downward dog to upward dogs: 4 repetitions
- Tuck jumps: 3 repetitions
- Push ups: 2 repetitions
- Burpee: 1 repetition