Antidote is a writing assistant software that integrates seamlessly with popular applications such as Microsoft Word, PowerPoint and Outlook. Additionally, it can be embedded into web browsers such Google Chrome, Firefox, and Microsoft Edge.
Antidote is already installed on your KI computer’s Windows 10 operating system and integrated into the Microsoft Office applications. However, you will be required to configure it. This section will step you through the configuration process of Antidote. Additionally, instructions are provided for its integration with the Google Chrome web browser. This is a one-time procedure.
Launching Antidote for the first time.
Upon launching Antidote for the first time, the user will be prompted to configure it. Antidote can be launched directly from a Microsoft Office application. However, in this example, it is launched from the Start menu. Perform the following steps to select your preferred settings:

- Click Start.
- Click on the Antidote folder.
- Launch Antidote 10.

- In the Antidote configuration window, select Canadian English.

- Rate your written English ability.

- Select the Quebec/Canada variety of French.

- Select Rectified spelling.
- Save the Configuration.
Launch Microsoft Word and notice that Antidote has been added to the menu.

Clicking on the Antidote menu launches the application and gives access to the three main tools: Corrector, Dictionaries, and Guides.

Google Chrome Integration
Antidote integrates with several web browsers. After installing its extension, the Antidote icon will be added to the web browser’s toolbar. This extension should install automatically without needing any user intervention upon launching Antidote for the first time. If for any reason, the icon is not visible in your web browser, follow the steps below.
This integration adds several functionalities to the web browser. For example, one can quickly look up the meaning of an unfamiliar word on a web page by selecting it and then clicking on the Antidote icon to launch the Dictionary. Alternately, the Antidote Corrector could be used to correct a message you are about to send to the web page Contact.

- Launch Google Chrome.
- Click on the vertical ellipsis button.
- Select More Tools.
- Click on Extensions.

- Make sure the blue slider is positioned to the right.

- Click on the Extensions icon.
- Click on the Pin icon to add the Antidote icon to the toolbar.
- The Antidote icon now appears in the browser’s toolbar.
The first section of this post, entitled Configuration, guided users upon launching Antidote for the first time on their computer. It allowed, among other things, to identify the user’s native language and establish their proficiency level with the second language. This section focuses on setting up Antidote in an effective manner for daily use.
Pin Antidote to the taskbar to launch it with a one-click action.

- Click on the Windows icon
- Click on the Antidote folder
- Click on Antidote 10

- Right-click the Antidote icon on the taskbar
- Click on the Pin to taskbar menu item
Antidote is now permanently integrated onto the taskbar and can be launched with a one-click action.
Create a Document Using Antidote and Launch the Corrector

- Right-click on the Antidote icon
- Click on New document

- An empty document is created
Antidote has its own simple text editor somewhat similar to the Windows Notepad application.

- Write the sentence “The tree are green.”
- Click on the green checkmark to launch the Corrector

- Mistakes are underlined in red. Click on the word “are”.
- Click on Correct to replace the word “are” by the word “is”.
Antidote Resources
Antidote also incorporates Dictionaries and Guides. Consult the User Guide to explore a myriad of features.