Welcome to the curriculum section of Nunavik-IcE, where you can find important information regarding each subject area program.
Kativik Ilisarniliriniq’s Education Program
The James Bay and North of Québec Agreement (JBNQA, Chapter 17), grants Kativik Ilisarniliriniq the right to adapt the Nunavik Education Program. This is why Kativik Ilisarniliriniq’s Education Program differs from the Quebec Education Program (QEP).
It’s important to note, however, that students do need to gain the same credits needed in the rest of the province in order to get their diploma.
Curriculum Information
These curriculum pages provide additional information on the program for each subject area. You can also refer to the appropriate Pedagogical Counselor (Education Consultant) to get more specific information.
Secondary Math for 2024-25
Career and Community Development
English as a Second Language
Secondary Social Studies
Work Oriented Training Path
Secondary Science Blocks C and D 2024-25
French as a Second Language
Physical Education and Health
Kativik Ilisarniliriniq’s Secondary Grade Level System
At Kativik Ilisarniliriniq, the secondary grade level system is a bit different than in the rest of the province, or country. We have 6 secondary grade levels: 3 levels in Cycle 1 and 3 levels in Cycle 2.
For preschool and primary, the levels are the same as for the rest of the province. However, there are no K4 classrooms. Primary cycle 1 includes grades 1 and 2; cycle 2 grade 3 and 4 and cycle 3 grade 5 and 6.

2023-2024 Learning to be Prioritized at KI
To remedy school closures due to the COVID-19 pandemic, learning priorities have been identified throughout the curriculum. While the rest of the province implemented them in 2021 ans is moving back to regular programming, Kativik Ilisarniliriniq implemented them in 2022 and will keep working these learning priorities for the 2023-2024 school year. This reflects differences in the way the pandemic affected the region (delayed), as well as a teacher shortage.
The table below gives you access to each document presenting those learning to be prioritized by subject and cycle.
Pathways to school success
Students at Kativik Ilisarniliriniq can take different paths to graduation. This chart presents a summary of these paths.

2023-2024 Secondary Blocks’ Rotation
The following secondary courses are built in “blocks” which are taught in rotation one year after another. This structure simplifies multi-level teaching. This year, the blocks in yellow are to be taught. It is essential for all schools to teaching the same block every year, as exams are built according and as students sometime move across communities.